DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. has recently started providing best Paternity DNA Test in Lucknow, UP to provide genuine, cost effective and accessible services to the people.
A DNA paternity test is used to resolve any questions or doubts relating to the paternity of a child. Paternity test DNA examines certain loci (regions) on the chromosome and compare the DNA sequence of a child to that of an alleged father and shows if the child’s DNA was derived from that man or not.
Where possible, the mother should also be included in the test because she can provide additional genetic information and simplify the testing process.
DNA testing has a huge impact on child custody laws and women can use DNA testing to gain child support as well as men can use it to protect themselves against paternity fraud. We also conduct prenatal testing to confirm the father’s identity before the baby is born.
If the child’s father is deceased–or just unwilling to be tested–you can acquire DNA through family DNA testing including grand-parentage, uncle/aunt or Sibling Ship DNA Test.
If you are in a hurry, we can expedite the DNA test results by providing same day or next day results at additional charges. You have to visit our testing lab in New Delhi for providing your DNA samples, and we are the only Lab in India to provide this facility. You can also visit any DFL sample collection center for providing your DNA samples. The same Day and Next Day facility Turnaround Time will be applicable after we receive your DNA samples at our Delhi lab.
For Paternity DNA Test in Lucknow, UP, please fill the form and our executive will contact you or call us for any further communication at + 91 8010177771 or WhatsApp: +91 9266615552.
Paternity DNA test in Lucknow, UP
Maternity DNA test in Lucknow, UP
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Lucnkow Uttar Pradesh 226020
Email: info@dnaforensicslab.com